4 Best Photo Editing Software For PC

In the current era, the world of photography is growing with time. It cannot be denied that the current development of photography is not just a photo.
With today's technological developments, a photographer is also expected to have editing skills. Because with this ability it can make your photos more beautiful and attractive than the original photos.

Only with the application can you change a photo that is not good enough to be better. The use of this application is not only used by photographers, but anyone, including you, can also use it.

Here are the best photo editing applications for PCs or laptops that you need to know and must try.

1. Photoshop
Application released by Adobe Inc. this is a photo editing application that is often used by most people. In this application you can change or manipulate your photos to make them more attractive and pleasing to the eye.

Photoshop is known for its ease of operation and the appearance of this Photoshop application is user friendly. So it's no wonder many use Photoshop to edit their photos.

2. Lightroom
This application is more or less the same as Photoshop. This application is also developed by Adobe Systems. Not a few people use this application, including professional editors to edit photos to be more colorful and attractive.

Unlike Photoshop, which can do various things, this application is specifically for editing photos. In addition to customizing colors such as saturation, brightness, shadow, you can also combine all image files into one folder that can be edited directly on the main menu.

The main feature of the Lightroom application, namely Luth. Which of these features can help you color photos easily and quickly.

3. Paintshop Pro
Besides that, you can also edit your photos to be more attractive with the Paintshop Pro application. With this application you can easily and quickly edit your photos. Moreover, this application can be said to be an application that will compete with Adobe's application products, namely Photoshop and Lightroom.

Paintshop Pro is also equipped with quite complete features, such as Edit, Crop, Resize, Shapen, and many other features. And this application is basically no less interesting than the application from Adobe.

4. Photo Pos Editor
Maybe some of you still don't know this application. As the name implies, this application is a photo editing application that is Powerful and User Friendly.

The Photo Pos Editor application is unique, namely the Easy Remove Unwanted Objects feature. Which this feature serves to remove an unwanted object.

In addition, there are many optional features that you can use, such as Frame & Collages, Edit, Crop, Resize, and so on.

Source: ONO Tekno