Greenshoot software for Screenshot

Free open-source screenshot software that claims to have complete features like paid software. But after using it, I believe: Greenshot may not be perfect, but this free tool makes me wonder why pay for one like that again. Greenshot download and install is easy, and requires little or no setup. By default, the program uses the "Print Screen" key (sometimes marked Prnt Scr) as its hotkey; pressing the key in combination with other keys (such as Alt or Ctrl) allows for different types of screen capture. In my case, the Print Screen button was already assigned to another screen capture program, so Greenshot told me I needed to select a new one. very easy in the settings menu.

Greenshot can capture part of the screen, the last area you selected with Shift & Print Screen, one program window with Alt & Print Screen, full screen with Ctrl & Print Screen, or Internet Explorer window with Ctrl & Shift & Print Screen. Just press the assigned hotkey and the screenshot process is complete. If you choose to capture an area, Greenshot lets you select it with a green overlay which makes it easy to select the area you want to capture.

Greenshot gives you several options when it comes to sending the captured screen to another program or place with a destination picker. This menu appears as soon as you capture the screen, and allows you to choose between saving the image, opening it in Greenshot's photo editor, copying it to the clipboard, sending it to your printer, uploading it to Imgur, or opening it in various programs, such as Microsoft Outlook, Powerpoint, Word, Excel, or Paint, or Mozilla Thunderbird.

Greenshot may not have all the features of its competitors, and this freeware isn't perfect. But tackling the most basic screens captures needs with ease, and manages to add a few tools that similar software ignores. If you don't need to capture video and don't mind capturing editing in another program .. Greenshot is probably the go-to choice.